Acquire Portuguese in Marvão
The sessions focus on understanding through listening and reading, following Stephen Krashen’s Optimal Input theory and Beniko Mason’s Story-Listening approach.
Techniques like drawings and paraphrasing help clarify meanings and make them comprehensible.
This approach emphasises comprehension before production. There is no expectation of immediate mastery. With repeated exposure, small gains add up to significant progress.
Low-Pressure Environment
Language acquisition is a personal and varied process. Within a low-pressure environment, each learner’s readiness is respected, allowing for a natural “silent period” during which learners can absorb the language without the pressure to produce by speaking or writing immediately. Although not central to the method, some production activities will be integrated into the sessions. Each person is free to participate in these activities to the degree they are comfortable with. This helps reduce anxiety, which can hinder progress.
Engage with Culture
Exploring Portuguese culture gives you real-life examples of the language, helping you learn new words and grammar while also discovering more about the country’s music, art, history, geography, and way of life.
The sessions aim to cultivate a friendly and inclusive learning community. Sharing the learning process with others provides fresh perspectives and fosters connections, creating an enriching experience for everyone